Friday, April 15, 2011

Liza Statton - 11/04/2011

“How do you get someone to spend more then 5 minutes in a show?” – Liz Statton

Former curator of Art Space in USA, Liza Statton, brought to us a presentation on her curation of a ‘single chanel video’ exhibition titles ‘Betwixt and Between’. Despite the interesting content of the show, I was disappointed as the lecture seemed to be a recount of the show, opposed to a discussion of how one would curate a show. Although this did enter into discussions, such as how sound affects different parts of the gallery, the artist by artist nature of the lecture did not lend itself to that discussion in a way that I believe would have been more interesting. Briefly touched on topics that could have opened into great discussions, such as how artists may now use mass media, such as YouTube, as a means of promoting, or to the opposite end, retaining the rights to their work. I would like to have also spent more time discussing the question of how one does create a show that people will spend more then 5 minutes at.

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